Grace Minutes Radio Program
“For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13

Our Radio Program – Grace Minutes
Grace Minutes is our featured radio program hosted by Pastor David Moore. Beginning June 4, 2019, Grace Minutes will air five days a week on five Christian radio stations through Alive Radio Network, which serves the Capital District and southern Adirondacks. You can listen to our radio program M-F at 3:45 pm on: 1330 AM, 97.3 FM, 97.5 FM, 94.7 FM, and 104.1 FM.
Grace Minutes Radio Program Schedule:
Each Program runs 15 minutes long.
- Monday: 3:45 pm
- Tuesday: 3:45 pm
- Wednesday: 3:45 pm
- Thursday: 3:45 pm
- Friday: 3:45 pm
100 Saratoga Village Blvd
Suite 17
Malta, New York 12020
Worship Services
Sunday – 10am
Wednesday – 7pm
Bible College
Monday – 7pm
Bible Study
Wednesday – 2pm
Youth Studies
Sunday School – 10am
Wednesday Youth Study – 7pm