Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry has a vision for loving and encouraging the women of our church. It is co-led by a group of women who love the Lord, seek to follow Him daily, and who desire to share His goodness with others.
Women’s Ministry gatherings at Greater Grace Community Church are always focused on the Word of God because our desire is to help women grow in their relationship with God. We believe this happens when we share what the Lord is teaching us in His Word. We are always blessed when we gather for a time of learning and fellowship with other ladies.
Women’s Prayer Breakfasts
We meet for a delicious breakfast, wonderful fellowship, a short devotional, and prayer.
When: First Saturday of the month at 9 am
Where: Please call the church at 518-899-7777, or check the church bulletin for the month’s location.
Women’s Heart to Heart Bible Study and Fellowship
Led by Carmen Cane
A “heart-to-heart” time of Bible teaching, spiritual insight, sharing and fellowship for women who desire discipleship.
When: The Third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm
More Information: Please contact the church at 518-899-7777, or check the bulletin for the location.
Women’s Retreat
We enjoy a wonderful and refreshing retreat every year at the beautiful Camp-of-the-Woods in Speculator, NY. It’s a special time of getting away and getting to know each other better – a time filled with teaching, fun, food, and fellowship.
Details on our next retreat will be updated once we have secured the dates.
“It is good for me to draw near to God.” Psalm73:28
100 Saratoga Village Blvd
Suite 17
Malta, New York 12020
Worship Services
Sunday – 10am
Wednesday – 7pm
Bible College
Monday – 7pm
Bible Study
Wednesday – 2pm
Youth Studies
Sunday School – 10am
Wednesday Youth Study – 7pm